Data Visualization
The Rhythm of Food
The Rhythm of Food, a collaboration between Google News Lab and Truth & Beauty, explores the hidden patterns in food seasonality found through Google search trend data. The project won a 2017 Information is Beautiful award for best visualization in Sports, Games & Leisure.
Waves of Interest
Waves of Interest, another collaboration between Google News Lab and Truth & Beauty, uses Google Search Trends data to ask which topics capture the attention of Americans during US election years, and show how our interests shift from one election cycle to the next. You can learn more about how it was made here. Waves of Interest was a finalist for a 2022 Information is Beautiful Award.
Our Student Loan Secrets: Interactive Map
Our Student Loan Secrets is a project out of Death, Sex & Money from WNYC Studios. It seeks to show student loan borrowers that they are not alone in struggling with their debt.
These Are My People
These Are My People seeks to better understand friendships through the power of data visualization.